It is possible to be creative even when it comes to funeral items.
We all think that the moment of death and the consequent mourning, is necessary dramatic; but at Exhibition today we will amaze you, talking about creativity and personalization.
Make yourself comfortable and read what follows.
By the noun “creativity” is defined as everything that by means of the intellect and using the fantasy and the imagination can be created.
And you, now you are wondering what this has to do with funeral products or with cemetery accessories, aren’t you?
At Exhibition, we are experts in this field, we have found an Italian agency that designs the custom loculo cover
“Il Provvisorio” is an agency based in Pesaro, whose name comes from the idea of the temporary loculo cover, that later would become marble slams.
Over time, the company has been acquired many years of experience, also has become one of the best Italian producers of funeral articles.
It is not a causality that it is here, on the Exhibition’s page!
At this point, I could make a detailed list with all the items that the company produces, but what matters most is to underline the innovation that it has brought to the sector, through the products I talked about before and the ones I will explain to you shortly.
Another factor that defines the company in a professional and careful manner, is certainly the fact that behind every product there is creativity and the craftsmanship that we Italians really like.
If you don’t believe in what I wrote, you can visit the virtual tour and you will find the wide range of craft products and other innovative solutions such as: the large horizontal niche cover created by the customer (with the possibility to modify the size according to the needs), majolica urns with different colors and shapes (pyramid, sphere, vase), MDF urns treated externally by means of polyurethane varnish with a primer, one undercoat, one with patina, one with a sponge and final glossy finish so as to obtain the various final effects.
All items are produced in Italy and are patented. After having talked to you about skill and creativity, I can only greet you, remembering that everything that is written on this blog, it can be seen directly through the virtual tour of Exhibition or by visiting the company’s website “Il Provissorio “at:
See you tomorrow!