Wirebook, the first digital platform that allows everyone, to create a private diary online with the possibility to share it with loved ones and to write on it about experiences, giving the possibility to those who will read it, to learn something new; we are always looking for companies, services or producers to talk about.
Today, I want to talk about the idea of leaving a memory, an impression. In general terms, I realize that it is the idea linked to wirebook (the very key of the project).
I refer to the company “Impronta digitale S.r.l.”
The company located in Veneto, in Castelfranco Veneto, has over twenty years of experience. It’s a producer and it offers a long list of services such as braille printing (self-adhesive panels, internal signs, transparent panel), direct printing (on wood or metal), and photoengraving (on pendants or aluminum plates)
Better if I don’t do the list of production because, as you can imagine, it is a company that has many items to offer, but I have to inform you that the production is almost completely Italian and are particularly attentive to finishes and design.
The competition does not come from the products realized but from the elegance of the product that is produced. For this reason, I need to mention at least two of the products that we are interested in, the customized “urne quadro” and the plaques (available in different shapes and materials). I would like to write something about the first products.
The costumed “urne quadro“
From the outside, the costumed “urne quadro” would appear paintings but, in reality, if you look better, they hide inside a cinerary urn in zinc that allows you to keep your loved one, wherever you want, in a particularly discreet way. The “Quna urna” is available in different materials: from aged oak, gold, or mahogany, or bleached ash and others, completely Italian wood and the image contained within the picture, is a high-quality print on canvas pictorial that will excite the client, when he looks at it because it will bring back to mind, the memory of the deceased person. It is possible to choose from the digital catalog different imagines (like shutterstock,istockphoto).
The caption on their website says: “quna: made with love for those who continue to love”.
To me seems that this company has a lot of passion, here the company’s website: http://www.improntadigitale.eu/prodotti.asp?id_prodotto=965&id_linea=42&id_categoria=152&ml=1. Thank you for your attention! if you want to ask us any information about the virtual tour or for the online diary or for any other curiosity, just click on: http://www.exhibition.social/, lower right on the icon: “chat with me”
See you soon!